Tag Archives: #easytravel
Conditions, Diving, Events, Newsletter, Ocean Explorers, Travel, Uncategorized
Stay safe
We wish everyone near and far, staff and families all the best during this tiring time of Covid-19. Please take care of each...
| Tagged #aliwaldivecentre, #divers, #easytravel, #experinces, #oceandays, protect
Diving, Newsletter, Ocean Echo, Ocean Explorers, Sardines, The road is open, They are back, Travel
Sardine Run season is on the way again and as we all know the excitement and eagerness for the crazy action is on...
| Tagged # southafrica, #adventurecrazy, #aliwaldivecentre, #easytravel, #international, #memories, #newadventures, #nondivers, #sardinerun, #tours, #travels
Compliment, Diving, Events, Happy New Year, Newsletter, Ocean Explorers, Sardine Run 2011, Sharks, The road is open, They are back, Tiger dive, Tiger season, Travel, Uncategorized, Wall of Fame, Whale
2019 Year End News Letter
Yet again another year has passed, a year that has been filled with excitement, joy, friendships, and of course you do get the...
| Tagged # southafrica, #adventurecrazy, #aliwaldivecentre, #china, #divingforlife, #easytravel, #events, #experinces, #international, #oceandays, #sharks
Diving, Events, Sharks, Travel
HOT Spring September Special
Celebrate your month of Spring with diving and diving and why not some more diving… It is time to get friends together and...
| Tagged # southafrica, #china, #easytravel, #groupfun, #international, #oceanlovers, #sharks, #tours, #travels
Sardine Run 2019 Easy Travel China Group
Our Easy Travel China groups first day out to sea @portstjohns …Sardine run fever continues
| Tagged #aliwaldivecentre, #china, #dolphins, #easytravel, #experinces, #groupfun, #oceandays, #portstjohns, #sardinerun, #sharks, #sunfish, #travels, #whales