June / July we hold one of the most sought after yearly events , the Annual Sardine Run that is held in Port St Johns, an experience you cannot miss out on. It is the migration of all shark species, whales and dolphins. Daily outings last for approximately 6 – 8 hours depending on sea conditions and the amount of activity about. With the action being fast and furious in conjunction with variable sea conditions, long boat rides and the whole day out at sea , outings can prove strenuous, therefore it is recommended that clients be relatively fit.
Sardine activity is usually sighted from large flocks of Cape Gannet sightings or by the more trusted large pods of Common & Bottle-nose dolphin activity. Our communication network with others is vast and we are also in communication with Natal Sharks Board members that conduct regular aerial flights. Our knowledge of “hiding” places also comes into play here and all avenues are explored to find action for you.
Below are some links of our promo video and others, to give you a better idea of what we have to offer, as well as these services: Shark Cage diving, Baited shark dives as well our annual Sardine Run & Ocean Safari in June July.
– see link https://aliwalshoal.co.za/sardine-run-ocean-safari/
- Our promo video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkCm2fLVOV8
- Our website – https://aliwalshoal.co.za/
- Our website Sardine Run link – https://aliwalshoal.co.za/sardine-run-ocean-safari/
- 2017 Sardine Run – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA7V8K2MFMg&t=3s
- Baited shark dives and Cage diving – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdEKWWooIfw